As you can imagine, these first two weeks of school have been focused on learning routines and school rules. The class has done great in learning all of these new things all at once. I am sure it seems like a lot for my new kinders.
This last week we did some beginning science and talked about our five senses in relation to apples. Each student brought in an apple to share. All of the kids tried a red, green, and yellow apple slice and then had to decide which was their favorite. As a class we first looked at the apples and found words to describe their appearance. Then we smelled the apples and discussed the many aromas of apples. Then the students picked up their apple slices and told each other how it felt. Last, the students tasted and listened to the sound of the apple as they ate it. I heard a lot of great descriptions of the apples, including squishy, slippery, juicy, and sour. We will be doing more with apples this coming week as we continue to talk about our five senses, as well. (I did get some pictures of the class eating their apples, but will not be posting any pictures on the blog until I have the picture release forms back from everyone.)
We are focusing on Yoga right now for P.E. and I am amazed at the flexibility of my students. Our class has already found that Yoga is a great way to relax and concentrate.
The Chromebooks also came out this last week. The class had a chance to explore their touchscreen Chromebook by using and our new Interactive Student Edition of our math program. It was certainly exciting as the students learned how to care for the Chromebooks and how to use them correctly.
The beginning of the school year is always very exciting for me. I am really enjoying getting to know the many personalities of each of my students. I look forward to a great year with my new class and will be providing updates here weekly.
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