Friday, June 2, 2017

A Quick Post

With a short week, comes a very short and quick post.  The last four days we have been working very hard in the classroom to get some final projects done before Open House.  There will definitely be a lot to see on this coming Wednesday night and I think the class is very excited to show off their hard work.  To take a small break from all of the projects, we learned a new P.E. game this week.  The class learned how to play "Drive Ball" where they are in two teams and have to throw smaller balls at a large bouncy ball and try to get the ball across the other team's line.  This was a really fun game and has become the most requested game among the class.

Today we took another small break from all of the hard work and did what I would consider an "attempted" science activity.  I say attempted because it didn't quite work like expected, but I think the class still had fun in the meantime.  Each student colored in a color wheel and we talked about primary colors and secondary colors.  Then we put the color wheel on a loop of string.  It was supposed to act like the old fashioned "buzz saw" toys, but i think the size of the wheel may not have been in proportion to the string.  I'll be honest and say that I don't really know what went wrong exactly, but it certainly didn't act as the old buzz saw toys did.  At the very least, the class had a fun time putting their spinner together and trying to make it work.  We talked about the fact that sometimes things don't quite work like you want them to, and so the kids had to try and find different solutions to make it work.  I don't believe we had any successes in that department, but it is always interesting to see what solutions the students are able to come up with when they work together.

So, like I said, a very quick post, but I promise it will pay off when you see the effort put into Open House.  Here are some upcoming things for the last couple weeks of school:

Friday, June 9th - all library materials need to be turned in or fines will need to be paid

Friday, June 9th - Field Day *PTO is in need of any cleared/fingerprinted parents who can spare some time to help out. At this point they are looking for anyone who has even an hour or two... if you can help, please let me know ASAP and I will pass that information on to our PTO President.

Tuesday, June 13th - Friday June 16th - minimum days with students dismissed at 12:20 pm

Friday, June 16th - last day of school

Have  a great weekend!

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