Friday, July 31, 2015

Worksheet Free?!?!?

This coming year I will be going worksheet free in my classroom.  Many people, including fellow educators, hear this and start to really go crazy.  People ask, "Just how are you going to do that?" and "Are you sure about this?  That is going to be pretty challenging."  While I do recognize this as a challenging (and possibly daunting) task, I am excited to introduce a new way to learn within the classroom.  So, first off please understand that worksheet free is not equivalent to paper-free.  I will definitely be using paper in my classroom, but probably not as much.  I certainly will not be using worksheets, especially those that come from a curriculum set.  I still plan on teaching the same material that the curriculum introduces to the students, but I want to achieve this learning through hands-on activities that promote critical thinking.  Students in my classroom typically won't be bringing home a page with 20 or more problems on it that they did in class.  More likely my students will be able to bring home a smaller project that teaches the same concepts but helps them learn in a more meaningful way.  This idea of worksheet free will be applied in all subject areas within my classroom, but the area where the change will be noticed the most is in math.  We will also be looking at more real-world problems in math that students will find easier to relate to their own lives and experiences.  Worksheet free (not paper-free) is a challenge that will be happening in my classroom, but I look forward to making learning more meaningful to my students.

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