This blog is a result of my attendance at a SHIFT/DALLA Technology Conference in Humboldt. This is one of my first technology education conferences that I have attended. Most teachers probably would not want to be in a 3 day conference the week after school gets out for the summer, but I saw this opportunity and wanted to become a part of this event.
Over the course of the first two days I was able to get so many ideas about specific applications that work well in the classroom setting. I was also able to gain a greater knowledge of the implications of including technology in the classroom. Prior to attending this conference I probably would have rated myself at a proficient level technologically on a scale with challenged, basic, proficient, and advanced. Now, after being around so many wonderful technology-integrating educators I might actually rate myself at a beginning level. I felt that I was able to learn about so many technology ideas, some which were new to me and others that I may not have been utilizing to their greatest capacities. With SHIFT I was able to branch out of my comfort zone a little bit (more than I ever thought I would do) and create not only this blog but a Twitter account (follow me @rcrook_crook). I now have a broader perspective of how helpful a resource that social media can be to me as an educator. While I won't do EVERYTHING in my classroom this next year that I saw or heard about at SHIFT, I am excited to try new things and engage my students in a way that integrates technology more.
The DALLA part of this conference was also extremely helpful to me. While SHIFT focused more on general technology education components, DALLA gave me a more in-depth focus on how I can create something in my class with my students that will result in promoting technology in the classroom in a positive light for students, teachers, parents, administrators, and community members alike. DALLA is what I am considering to be my "breath of fresh air" when considering how I will run my classroom and integrate technology. One of the major things that I was able to take away from both SHIFT and DALLA is to bring in technology a little bit at a time, introduce applications gradually, and to worry about my own classroom environment first and along the way inspire other teachers to follow suit or even share out their own technology education inspirations.
I am so excited about what SHIFT/DALLA can bring for me this coming school year and can't wait to attend SHIFT next year!
I am glad DALLA was so helpful. Twitter will be your new super power, go there when you need answers and to connect with other educators. I look forward to following your project this next year!