Friday, September 22, 2017

Digging in Deep

We are starting to really get into the curriculum in our classroom.  We have spent the last two weeks reviewing the letters A-J in the alphabet.  As we begin this next week, we will have a weekly story to accompany all of our letter work.  Our new program, Journeys, is working out very well and the numerous resources we have to go with it helps enhance each of the lessons so much.
My students are feeling pretty accomplished at this point.  We have managed to learn how to count, write, and model the numbers 1,2, 3, and 4.  As we move through our pilot math program, GoMath!, the class is learning how to use manipulatives that help them count objects.  The class has also been using the interactive student edition of our math book on the Chromebooks where they get to play games and follow lessons and quizzes that match right along with our math book.  If your child tells you about the mouse game, they are referring to the Interactive Student Edition.  To start our math everyday we watch a fun video to get us focused on what we will be learning about for each lesson.  Here is the link to the latest video we watched Math Video- Model and Count 3 and 4.
For science, we have continued to explore apples.  We did one experiment this week to decide if apples would float or sink in a bucket of water.  As a class we learned what it means to make observations and to record those, along with the results.  As part of this experiment, we even tried different colored apples and found the results to be the same every time --- the apples floated!
Image result for floating apples
We also conducted another experiment where the students learned about making a prediction on how many seeds were in an apple.  Many students predicted that there would be 2 or 3 seeds in the apple, while some even predicted there would be 500 seeds in a single apple!  In the apple that was cut open, we found there were 9 seeds.  The students made observations and recorded their results for this experiment as well.
Image result for seeds in an apple
P.E. this week has been focusing still on Yoga.  We have been using some exciting videos from Cosmic Kids that tell a story while we do our Yoga exercises.  Here is an example of one that we have done in class:

We have also been using the Chromebooks a little more this week.  The kids played a game on Alphabetical order during their center rotations this week and it can be found at  We also tried a new (FREE) reading program online this afternoon called Teach Your Monster To Read.  This is a program that I absolutely adore and have used with my own children.  Everyone starts at the same place and works on basic letter identification and sounds and then they progress at their own learning pace.  As students progress it puts them into levels with sight words and then eventually to small sentences.  So, if you here your child talking about creating their monsters, crashing a spaceship, and learning their letters, they are probably referring to this game that saves their progress throughout the year.
We have had a great week in class!
*Upcoming Events and Information*
Monday, Sept. 25th --- Outside flag salute on the blacktop at 8 a.m.
Wednesday, Sept. 27th --- Minimum Day; students are dismissed at 12:20 p.m.
Thursday, Sept. 28th --- BMX assembly in the afternoon
Friday, Sept. 29th --- picture day (information will be sent home soon)

Please sign up for a conference time (if you haven't already) so that we can discuss how your child is doing in kindergarten so far.  You can sign-up on the clipboard by the homework basket in the mornings, or you can sign-up through the ClassTag app (or online at  I would love to meet with each of you so that we can discover together what will work best for your child.  Conferences are Tuesday, October 3rd through Friday, October 6th from 12:30 - 2:30 each afternoon.  These four days are minimum days, with students being dismissed at 12:20 p.m.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Welcome Back and Happy New Year!

It is the start of a new school year, the supplies have been bought, and the students have now been in class for two weeks.  This year, my students are a bit... shorter than they have been in the past.  I made the move to kindergarten and I am loving every minute of it.  
As you can imagine, these first two weeks of school have been focused on learning routines and school rules.  The class has done great in learning all of these new things all at once.  I am sure it seems like a lot for my new kinders.  
This last week we did some beginning science and talked about our five senses in relation to apples.  Each student brought in an apple to share.  All of the kids tried a red, green, and yellow apple slice and then had to decide which was their favorite.  As a class we first looked at the apples and found words to describe their appearance.  Then we smelled the apples and discussed the many aromas of apples.  Then the students picked up their apple slices and told each other how it felt.  Last, the students tasted and listened to the sound of the apple as they ate it.  I heard a lot of great descriptions of the apples, including squishy, slippery, juicy, and sour.  We will be doing more with apples this coming week as we continue to talk about our five senses, as well.  (I did get some pictures of the class eating their apples, but will not be posting any pictures on the blog until I have the picture release forms back from everyone.)
We are focusing on Yoga right now for P.E. and I am amazed at the flexibility of my students.  Our class has already found that Yoga is a great way to relax and concentrate.  
The Chromebooks also came out this last week.  The class had a chance to explore their touchscreen Chromebook by using and our new Interactive Student Edition of our math program.  It was certainly exciting as the students learned how to care for the Chromebooks and how to use them correctly. 
The beginning of the school year is always very exciting for me.  I am really enjoying getting to know the many personalities of each of my students.  I look forward to a great year with my new class and will be providing updates here weekly.

*Upcoming Events:

- Flag Salute on the blacktop at 8:00 am on Monday morning

- Please bring library books back on Thursday so that we can return them when we go to library on Friday.

- Don't forget a rest item, like a towel or small blanket, for Monday; these will stay at school all week and go home on Friday.