In groups of three, the students had to choose a focus for their project that had something to do with winter. After a class discussion, the groups were left with a few choices: winter weather, winter animals, winter clothing, indoor activities, and outdoor activities. Each of the different groups ended up choosing 2 different focus areas and it was very interesting to see how their projects developed. The main idea of the project was the group was to create a museum display about their "winter focus" that included intriguing questions, pictures, and non-fiction captions for each picture. In the beginning of this whole process, there was a lot of discussion and organizing to figure out the best way to show their museum displays.
The next part of the project consisted of a lot of research and the use of the wonderful cloud printer in our classroom. The students found a fact (which became their caption) that was related to their focus topic(s) and then found pictures that would match the facts. The students worked incredibly hard on this whole project. There was some compromising, some lessons in fairness, and a WHOLE LOT of teamwork involved.
After working on the project for 2 full weeks, the class was ready to present their museum display. So we spent some time working on what would be said and by which group member. Then this morning, our class had the wonderful opportunity to present their museum displays to two other 2nd grade classes. The kids were so great.... they ended up presenting their museum displays a total of 6 TIMES so that they could present to reasonably-sized audiences. The two classes who came to see our museum display were very impressed with the hard work that the class put into their projects.
Group Presentations
A special scratch video created by Lincoln for Group #2's presentation.
Group Presentations
Group Presentations
Group Presentations
Over the last two weeks, we have been learning about money during our math time. So, some of your kids may be showing a newfound interest in money, especially around the Christmas season. Between coin sorting, identifying, and counting, we were very busy with learning all about money. Some of them really enjoyed the money songs that we learned to help identify the coins. Enjoy the songs!
Within the last two weeks, we also had the opportunity to have Baileigh read to us from "Junie B. Jones."
Looking back, I realize just how busy the last two weeks have been! I think we are all looking forward to some fun Christmas activities in the coming week.
*As a reminder: The 2nd grade Christmas performances will be Thursday, December 15th at 9am and then again at 7pm. For the evening performance, please make sure your child is in our classroom no later than 6:30pm*
Looking ahead: Friday, December 16th is a minimum day with students dismissed at 12:20pm
I have been hearing all kinds of great things the past couple of weeks! You have been very busy!! Laney has been singing all of the counting songs, and is loving to learn about money! :-) Thank you for all that you are teaching our kiddos!!