Sunday, November 13, 2016

Short week = Short Post

Well we had a nice short week, which makes for a nice long weekend.  Our week began with some bus evacuations to practice how to get off of the bus in an emergency.  On Tuesday our class had a substitute since all of the 2nd grade teachers were having a collaboration day to improve our teaching.  On Tuesday the students had a chance to participate in some voting.  They were voting on the "best recess activity."  The contenders were "kickball," "jump rope," and "playground equipment."  The winner was kickball and it was pretty exciting the next morning to count through the ballots and see the results.
A coupon was turned in this week by Lincoln to read and share a story with the class.  He shared one of his own stories about Star Wars that he has been working on.  The class really enjoyed hearing him tell his original story.  Lincoln also seemed to enjoy sharing his story with our class.

Throughout the week we have been working on synonyms.  So we had a "synonym" roll activity where the students had to match the "synonym" roll to one of the words on their list.  It was quite fun going around the room to find the synonyms.

As part of our district's AVID program (Advanced Via Individual Determination), we started something this week as a whole school.  Each classroom has a college pennant (for where the teacher attended college) that will be displayed outside the classroom door each day that the whole class is in attendance.  So far, we have been able to put out our flag twice.  So, if you happen to see some college pennants flying in front of the classrooms, that is a very positive thing and it means all of the students for that class are in attendance for that specific day of school.  Go wolves!

This coming week we have our Grandparent/Special Person event on Friday, November 18th at 9:00 A.M.  It is understandable if not everyone can bring a grandparent or special person due to work schedules or various other reasons, but I look forward to meeting as many special people as can come.  This should be a great event that will help the students make some personal connections with part of the second grade curriculum.  Just a reminder, the family tree and interview questions with the special person are both due on Monday.  Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

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