On Thursday, we continued our experiment and observed the same items after they had been in the freezer for 24 hours. The most drastic changes here were the water that had turned to ice and the melted butter that had solidified in the bowl.
The other part to this experiment was Jello. This one we did a little bit backwards from the rest. I told the class how I had made the Jello the night before by adding cool water and hot water and then refrigerated it over night. So we started the Jello with observing how it had been affected by cold. Of course, we also had to sample the Jello.... so I captured a few delicious moments!
Thursday afternoon came around for the Jello and we heated it. The class was shocked to see the Jello they had eaten the day before become something that many of them compared to fruit punch. Throughout this experiment we talked about the six different items and if after changing them with heat or cold, if the changes could also be reversed. As a class we determined that the popcorn could not be reversed and there was some debate among the students if the Jello change could be reversed or not.
On Friday of this week we had our 2nd Character Trait Assembly. This assembly was on being caring. During the assembly we also found out that 12 of our 18 Busy Bees had 97% attendance or better (no more than one absence and no more than 2 tardies) during the last month. We had two students from our class who received awards for being respectful (our last month's character trait) during the last month. Congratulations to Ariana and Baileigh!
This next week is Red Ribbon Week where the students pledge to be Drug Free. To celebrate this week we will be having dress-up spirit days each day this week.
Monday 10/24 - Sock it to Drugs Day! - wear crazy socks, clothes, or hair to school
Tuesday 10/25 - Too Cool for Drugs Day! - wear your sunglasses (at recess) and other "cool" items to school
Wednesday 10/26 - Team Up Against Drugs Day! - Wear uniforms, sports apparel, or school T-Shirts
Thursday 10/27 - Turn Your Back on Drugs Day! - Wear your clothes inside-out and backwards
Friday 10/28 - Pajama Day! - Wear your pajamas! (NO STUFFED ANIMALS---unless turning in a coupon to Mrs. Crook that day)
Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
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