Our room was full of undercover spies one day this week. Their mission (which they all accepted) was to find the missing addends in the addition problems. The class had a great time solving math problems with the lights off and the special spy music playing in the background. The students managed to find many different math problems, even some in unexpected places like under desks. Take a look at some of our super spy mathematicians. They were so stealthy. :)

In science this last week we focused on the different types of properties that objects can have. Our essential question in science this week was: What types of properties can be found in different objects? We talked about things that are rough, smooth, soft, thick, thin, flexible, buoyant, bouncy, and magnetic. Each student was able to participate in 3 different investigations into the different properties of objects. At one group, the students had 4 different types of balls (golf ball, bouncy ball, basketball, and foam ball) and they had to determine how bouncy each ball was based on the number of bounces the ball did. At another group, the students discovered which items (clay, coin, pencil, sponge, and small cubes) were buoyant in a tub of water. The third investigation group had students figuring out which items (paperclip, bolt, string, and marker) were magnetic. The class had a great time discovering the different properties of items. Check out the amazing scientists from our classroom.
Testing Buoyancy
Testing Bounciness
Testing Magnetism
The science this last week is a perfect lead-in to our writing for this next week. We will be focusing on writing descriptive words, specifically those dealing with the five senses, into the compositions for the week. Now that the students have some in-class experience with describing different objects, they will have a chance to put some of those words into their writing, based on other classroom experiences.
This week was also Back-to-School night and we had a great turn-out. Thank you to all of those who were able to make it that night. We are going to have a great year with the Busy Bees! If you were not able to make it and would like the information from that night, click here.
Upcoming Events:
Picture Day is Friday, September 30th
Parent-Teacher Conferences are Tuesday, October 4th through Friday, October 7th
October 4th - October 7th are Minimum days, with students being dismissed at 12:20 pm
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