Sunday, September 25, 2016

2016 Back-to-School Night Notes

*Do not feel like you have to read this whole post. This is mainly for informational purposes as needed throughout the school year. *

Back-To-School Night

Here is some general information about our classroom for the 2016-2017 school year.  
About Me: My name is Mrs. Crook and I am in my third year at Kelseyville Elementary School.  Prior to that, I was teaching classroom music to Kindergarten through 6th grade students.  I am on the Technology Committee for the District and love working with various types of technology.  My husband and I have been married for almost 10 years and we have a 4 year-old son and a 2 year-old son.
Classroom Schedule:
8:00 - 10:00 English Language Arts
10:00 - 10:20 Recess
10:20 - 11:30 Math
11:30 - 12:10 Lunch
12:10 - 12:30 Reading Groups
12:30 - 1:00 Writing
1:00 - 1:10 Recess
1:10 - 1:57 Social Studies/ Science/ P.E./ Read Aloud/ S.T.E.M./ Music
On Tuesdays through Thursdays we do centers during part of our English Language Arts time.
Classroom Behavior:
I use Class Dojo in my classroom for behavior management.  This is an online app that gives students positive points for behaviors such as respect, responsibility, and participation.  There are also negative points in this system for things such as, unsafe behavior, talking out of turn, and bullying.  Students receive points that accumulate over 2 week periods.  Every other Friday I will give them an opportunity to spend their Class Dojo points.  If they don’t spend them they roll over into their “account.”  Class Dojo is accessible online or through their free app which can be found in both the App Store and the Google Play store. Students can turn in their Dojo Points on classroom coupons (see wall by door).
P.E. and GoNoodle:
Every Tuesday our class will be doing a P.E. activity outside.  Please send your child in tennis shoes on those days.  GoNoodle is our indoor P.E. activities that we do every morning as a transition time from reading groups.  These are fun videos that get the kids moving and give them a little bit of a break in the day.  GoNoodle also has a home version for parents and students and you can find that at

We only have one thing for homework which is the Reading Comprehension Log.  There is a small activity for each day that the student reads.  Read with your child 20 minutes every night (Monday through Thursday) and then do the activity on the page.  Please have your child bring their homework back in the folder each day.  Monday is focused on the Main Idea of a story they read.  Tuesday focuses on drawing the beginning, middle, and end of the book that was read.  Wednesday, students need to draw a setting from the book.  Thursdays they draw a picture to show what the problem was in the story and then write 1 sentence about that problem.  This doesn’t have to be the same book for all four nights, but it can be.  If your child is more interested in picture books, then do a different one each of the four nights.  If your child is starting to show interest in smaller chapter books, then focus on a chapter a night.  This is very flexible and the main idea is to have students reading at home and critically thinking about what they have read.  Here is a copy of the reading comprehension log.

Technology and Worksheet Free:
Just this last year, Kelseyville Unified School District has issued a Chromebook to every student that stays on campus.  Every student has been given a district issued Email address with a password.  This e-mail account will follow them throughout their educational career in Kelseyville District.  In our class, we use the Chromebooks at least once a day.  Technology is a wonderful tool and we now have a greater accessibility for our students.  In our classroom we focus a lot on Digital Citizenship, which includes but is not limited to internet and computer safety, online etiquette, and learning through technology.  Google Classroom is a tool that is also used in our class on a daily basis.  We use sites in class including but certainly not limited to,: iRead, , and  Throughout the year students will be introduced to a variety of websites, some of which will require a username and password.  Please know that I keep a record of all of their usernames and passwords and they also have a copy of all of their usernames and passwords.  If at any point in the year, you would like to be able to access some of their site accounts, please let me know and I will be happy to send home a hard copy of usernames and passwords with your child.  Because of our frequent use of technology in the classroom, very few papers will be sent home.  We still do use paper and pencil, but most activities in class will be hands-on, manipulative, or computer-based.  For more information on my worksheet free philosophy, read my blog post at    
Our class has a regular library time every Friday morning at 9:30.  Your child will get to check out 2 books each week, providing they turn in their 2 books from the previous week.
Field Trips and Volunteers:
In Second Grade we go on two field trips during the year.  One of these is a walking field trip in town and the second is a bus field trip.  We walk to the Kelseyville Post Office usually in the spring.  This field trip connects with our Social Studies program which has a big focus on community involvement and community workers.  Our last field trip for the year is to the Ocean at Fort Bragg.  We take a bus and are gone all day.  This is a great trip and very exciting for the students and teachers as we close our unit on ocean and tides pools in our science curriculum.  Details about each field trip will be sent home as we get closer to them.  If you would like to volunteer to be a chaperone on the field trips, you will need to fill out a volunteer packet from the office and have a current TB test done, and get fingerprinted.  If you would like to volunteer and help out in the classroom, you will need to fill out the same packet with a current TB test and get fingerprinted.
The best way to get a hold of me is through Email at I will get back to you within 24 hours.  You can also call the school and leave a message at (707) 279-4232 x106.  Most communications I send out to you will be through either the class blog at or through the Class Dojo messenger.  The class blog will be updated at least once a week to give you an idea of what happened in class, generally, and if there are any upcoming events for our classroom or the school.  I also do have a Twitter account if you would like to reach me that way @rcrook_rcrook

Many thanks to all the families that were able to attend Back-to-School Night.  

I Spy... some mathematicians and scientists

This week the class has been working very hard at solving addition and subtraction problems using a variety of strategies.  We have been focusing on missing addends in addition problems and how addition and subtraction are related and create fact families.
Our room was full of undercover spies one day this week.  Their mission (which they all accepted) was to find the missing addends in the addition problems.  The class had a great time solving math problems with the lights off and the special spy music playing in the background.  The students managed to find many different math problems, even some in unexpected places like under desks.  Take a look at some of our super spy mathematicians.  They were so stealthy. :)


In science this last week we focused on the different types of properties that objects can have.  Our essential question in science this week was: What types of properties can be found in different objects?  We talked about things that are rough, smooth, soft, thick, thin, flexible, buoyant, bouncy, and magnetic.  Each student was able to participate in 3 different investigations into the different properties of objects.  At one group, the students had 4 different types of balls (golf ball, bouncy ball, basketball, and foam ball) and they had to determine how bouncy each ball was based on the number of bounces the ball did.  At another group, the students discovered which items (clay, coin, pencil, sponge, and small cubes) were buoyant in a tub of water.  The third investigation group had students figuring out which items (paperclip, bolt, string, and marker) were magnetic.  The class had a great time discovering the different properties of items.  Check out the amazing scientists from our classroom.

Testing Buoyancy

Testing Bounciness

Testing Magnetism

The science this last week is a perfect lead-in to our writing for this next week.  We will be focusing on writing descriptive words, specifically those dealing with the five senses, into the compositions for the week.  Now that the students have some in-class experience with describing different objects, they will have a chance to put some of those words into their writing, based on other classroom experiences.

This week was also Back-to-School night and we had a great turn-out.  Thank you to all of those who were able to make it that night.  We are going to have a great year with the Busy Bees!  If you were not able to make it and would like the information from that night, click here.

Upcoming Events:

Picture Day is Friday, September 30th

Parent-Teacher Conferences are Tuesday, October 4th through Friday, October 7th

October 4th - October 7th are Minimum days, with students being dismissed at 12:20 pm

Friday, September 16, 2016

Dominoes and Flip-Flops

Each week in class we have a set of Essential Questions that are related to our curriculum.  The idea is that the students are faced with a question that they will have a way to answer by the end of the week based on what was done in class.  Here are our Essential Questions for this last week:

English Language Arts - How do you find the perfect pet?
Math - What strategies can I use to help me solve addition problems?
Science - How can I classify objects?
P.E. - What different ways can I jump rope?
Music - How do rhythms help me remember things?

As you can see, we had a very thought-provoking week in Room 106.  Since it is still the beginning of the school year, I wanted to give a couple of brief summaries for our different curriculum for the week.

English Language Arts - We are piloting a new program called "California Journeys" during this school year.  We started this week off with the first story in this program, which for 2nd grade is "Henry and Mudge."  Many of the students found this story to be a lot of fun to read.  (As a little plug for reading time, there are quite a few books in this series and it would be a good place to start if you and your child are looking for something fun to read together.)  With our new program we have access to many online resources, including audio recordings of each of our stories, which the students were able to hear during our center time this week.

Image result for henry and mudge   Math -  Our focus on math this week has been on Addition Strategies.  We started by talking about different ways to make 10 and each child made a visual using hands to represent the different addition combinations to get to 10.  We also worked quite a bit with some dominoes.  In discussing the commutative property in addition (or the idea that the two numbers in an addition problem can be read either way to get the same answer), the class had some dominoes and wrote it as one problem and then flipped it around to show the other problem using the same numbers.  Part of our study with the commutative property dealt with talking about how we can "flip" the numbers to different positions.  So the class designed their own pair of flip-flops with two different addition problems using the same set of numbers.  (These will be hanging in our classroom for Back-to-School Night.)

                                  Image result for hand addition to 10 problems   Image result for flip flop

Domino Math

Science - The students this week were given bags with random objects in it and they had to decide how they were going to sort and classify their objects.  Within our class we had people sorting by shape, color, size, length, weight, flexibility, and texture.  The fun part about this one was that there wasn't any correct way to sort the objects, and actually it was interesting to see the variety of ways the kids saw the objects in different classifications.  With this the students also had to classify other objects in a more specific way.  The students had to decide which of the objects were "Easiest to hardest bend," "Hardest to softest," and "Roughest to Smoothest" and then write and draw about it in their science journals.  Check out some of the scientists in our classroom.
Roughest to Smoothest

Easiest to Hardest to bend (Most to Least Flexible)

P.E. - We have started some basics of learning how to jump rope.  As a class we discovered that it wasn't just about turning a rope.  We practiced regular jumps, hopping on one foot, jumping forward and backward, and jumping side-to-side.  We even had some students who wanted an extra challenge and tried a double bounce with a spin at the end.  Within the next couple of weeks we should start to see some real progress with jumping rope.
Music - Our class does a weekly music lesson every Monday afternoon.  Since I majored in Music Education, I like to bring this into our regular classroom.  Each of the students got to say their name in a fun rhythm so that it helps their classmates remember their name.  I think saying the name rhythms has definitely helped with that and has also made our classroom a tighter community.

Clearly, we have had a great week!  I hope everyone has a great weekend.  

*Just a Reminder - Back-to-School Night is Thursday, September 22nd at 5:45 in the Cafeteria.  Our classroom presentation will be from 6:00 - 6:30.  Hope to see you all there!*

Saturday, September 10, 2016

A New Colony

This last week has definitely seemed like a bit of a whirlwind to me.  I have such a great group of kids and I look forward to getting to know each of them better as the school year progresses.  Besides, all of the normal learning of routines, procedures, and expectations, this new group of Busy Bees had a lot to do this first week.
The students started writing in their Think Books, where I give them a topic each day and they write 2 or 3 sentences that focuses around that topic.  This gives them a chance to do some free and creative writing.  The highlight of the Think Books this week for most was probably being able to decorate it with feathers, stickers, and all sorts of little things to really make it their own.  I absolutely love when kids can feel proud of something because they have helped create it.
I introduced a little bit of science this week.  Our focus was on "What are the different types of science?" We also talked about what qualifies as science.  The students went to 4 different science centers where they had to determine if that activity was science or not.  At the "Ice Center" they observed ice melting either in their hands or on the table.  Some students even found out here that when you slide the ice around on the table, it melts faster.  At the "Paint Center," the students mixed two different colors of paint and added that to their science journal.  At the "Attribute Block Center," the students had to sort different shapes and colors of blocks into different groups.  The last center, the "Cubes Center," had students taking apart pre-built items and creating new designs out of the snapping cubes.  After some time to explore, discover, and discuss the class was able to determine that all 4 of the centers were science....all different types of science.  As we continue throughout the year, we will be diving deeper into each of these areas of science, along with other areas.
Tuesday afternoons is our regularly scheduled P.E. time, and we began with some basic jumping skills.  The students had a great time jumping in and out of hoops and spots on the ground using two feet at once, one foot at a time, and skip-jumps where they jumped with one foot and landed on the other.  This was the introduction to our Jump Rope unit for the year.
In this first week of school, the class as a whole was able to earn a total of 300+ Class Dojo Points.  It averages out to about 20 points (or so) per student.  The class is learning very quickly that earning points can be very easy, as long as they are following directions.  It will be very interesting to see what our grand total is this coming Friday when I hold our first Class Dojo Store.
Throughout the week we also managed to get out the Chromebooks twice!  With having 1:1 Chromebooks in the classroom, I like to spend part of the year on understanding how to properly use the device.  While the Chromebooks are fun and we do many different things on them, I remind the students that we are very lucky to have such wonderful TOOLS (not toys) in our classroom.
So this pretty much sums up our first week as a new colony of Busy Bees.  Normally I would post pictures that went along with some of what I wrote about, but I am still checking on picture release permission forms and want to make sure that I am respecting what everyone is requesting.  Hopefully some pictures will make it up here this next week!

Here is to looking forward to a great 2016-2017 school year!