Saturday, December 12, 2015

Caps for Sale! and Hour of Code

The students this week have been the ultimate Busy Bees!  We finished up our unit on money.  The students have been counting coins and determining the values for quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies.  This week we also read the story, "Caps for Sale!"  In the story the caps were worth $0.50 each and in small groups the students designed their own caps and chose their own value of what their caps were worth.  The class had a great time showing the different cap values through drawing them and also using fake and real coins.

Our Language Arts focus for this week was a story about African-American Inventors.  The class wrote their own research papers on different inventors.  They started by taking notes from a document sent to them through Google Classroom and then they wrote their own informational pieces of text.

This week we also had some very special occasions for lunch.  We had 4 students who spent some Class Dojo Points to come into the classroom and have lunch with me.  We had such a great lunch together!
Lunch Group Selfie

The other special lunch event that started this week is the new school-wide VIP lunch.  Students who are following school rules in the cafeteria have the chance to be picked for our special VIP lunch.  These students get the chance to attend a fancy, quiet lunch and be rewarded for their hard work.  Thursday on this week was the first day of VIP lunch and from our class, Ava was selected to attend the VIP lunch.  Check out the fancy VIP lunch.

This week we have also spent a lot of time preparing for our Christmas performance, which includes some Christmas plays and fun Christmas songs.  (Our performances will be on Thursday, December 17th at 1pm and Friday, December 18th at 9am.)  While we have been preparing, we also had the chance to watch a performance.  Mrs. Hoff's group of 5th grade readers performed a reader's theater of "The Gingerbread Man."  This was a great opportunity for us to watch others perform and practice being a good audience.  
To end the week, we celebrated Computer Science week by participating in the Hour of Code.  We used the site to try our hand at writing some lines of code.  The students had a great time with this and many of them were able to write over 30 lines of code.  The class did a great job at being computer programmers and each of them got to take home their own certificate to show off their great accomplishments!
Student-written lines of code

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