Monday, August 31, 2015

Flip Out Tech Training!

Today was a very busy day.  Being a part of the technology committee for our district, I was in charge of leading some training for our district-wide back-to-school breakfast.  With every certificated employee being given a ASUS Chromebook Flip, the committee felt it was necessary to do some basic training on the capability of these devices.  I was part of the Google Drive and Contacts session.  We started a little rough, but quickly saw where a more appropriate teaching level would be for some of the staff members in our district.  It was a pretty interesting experience for me (even with the ups and downs) but it was very insightful to me as a technology instructor to see so many varying levels in one room.  Of course, with any type of teaching there is always room to reflect and evaluate what could be done differently or better in the future.  I definitely would like to see it become more interactive for those who were the learners.  It might also be interesting to create different tasks for people in the same session based on what they feel is their level of technology capability.
Other sessions that were presented today dealt with Google Remote and Cloud Printing, Google Slides, NetSupport, Google Classroom, and Read and Write for Google.  Having seen a preview of these sessions, I can say that it was a very tech-filled day.
Also, I came a little bit out of my comfort zone today.  I participated in the tech slam that was held during the lunch period.  I showed my colleagues (in the entire district) about  I am very excited about this tool to give my students an easier access to the items that I want to share with them.  I am also very happy that I was able to share this with others who might find other ways to use it in their own classrooms.

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