Friday, November 3, 2017

Another Busy Week...

Obviously there was a Monday this week, but it seems that Monday was spent preparing the classroom for Tuesday which was Halloween.  Here is a picture of our class sign for the whole-school parade.  Our parade on Tuesday was a nice, long walk.  We walked all around the back of the school and the front and wrapped back around to the front.  From there we walked over to the middle school and got to show off our costumes to the older kids.  It was a pretty cold morning and the students came back to the room pretty tired from such a long walk.  Here are pictures as we went around in the parade.

Here are some individual pictures of the students in their wonderful costumes.



storm trooper

Alice in Wonderland



power ranger




Darth Vader



Egyptian Princess


Darth Vader

Harley Quinn



All of the Busy Bees in costume

Enjoying our class party!  Thank you so much to the families who helped make our class party such a wonderful time!

This week we also managed to get in some magnet science.  The class had a chance to do some free exploration and play with MagnaTiles and we also did some magnet painting.  The class also found different objects around the classroom and used the magnet wands to determine if they were magnetic or not; they colored a happy face if it was magnetic and a sad face if it wasn't magnetic. Using magnetic objects and a magnet wand, the students put the objects into paint and then used their wand to pull them through the paper plate.  Many of the students thought that this was a pretty interesting way to paint.  A lot of them said that it looked like magic because the object was running through the paint without them touching it.  However, we also discussed that it was moving because of the magnetic pull.

 Magnet Painting!

MagnaTiles in action!

This morning we also had an assembly to find out which class and students had awesome attendance for the month of October.  We also reviewed our past character trait of being respectful and awarded two students in each class for being respectful during this last month.  Check out our respectful students!

Way to go!

What a week it has been!  So many fun things to do in kindergarten.

Upcoming Events:

- Friday, Nov. 10th --- No school, Veterans Day holiday
- Thursday, Nov. 16th --- School Family Feast - more information to come home on Monday
- Friday, Nov. 17th --- Minimum Day, students dismissed at 12:20 pm
- Monday - Friday, Nov. 20 - 24 --- No School for Thanksgiving Break