It is that time of year again! Time for another brand new school year to start. The supplies are bought and labeled, my classroom is mostly set up, and I'm ready to get into my regular routine. Next week begins all of the professional development for the start of the school year. In my district we are incredibly lucky to have CUE Rock Star come and do a Black Label session as our main event. The focus will be on integrating more technology and teaching in innovative and creative ways. I happen to be presenting at this event and am very excited to be working with such a great team of energetic people. If you have read even one of my past posts, you probably guessed that I am presenting on Digital Citizenship. What can I say.... it is pretty important to me and I have spent a lot of time focusing on this topic in the classroom. Having already done a presentation on this same topic earlier in the summer, I am very excited to give this a second run-through and pass the information on to my colleagues within my own district.
As I begin to look at the new English Language Arts curriculum that I am piloting this year and see the numerous ways to integrate technology, it makes me very happy to be teaching at such a wonderful time. Students will have a chance to use and annotate on eBooks, have access to audio recordings of the literature, and write with more meaning. It has been a busy but enjoyable summer and I am looking forward to meeting my next "colony" of Busy Bees!