From Left to Right - Policeman, spy, cowgirl, nurse, computer geek, veterinarian, model, actress, and model
In science we have been learning about different habitats that are on Earth. We have discussed what types of animals and plant species live in the different habitats, as well as the climate and general features of 4 main habitats. Our main focus in our habitat study have been the pond habitat, desert habitat, arctic habitat, and rainforest habitat. The students created trioramas of the 4 different habitats. They also each added one animal to each of their drawn habitats. They look pretty awesome and the kids are so proud of what they were able to accomplish.
Look at all that hard work!
In between all of our habitat study, the students had an opportunity to spend their Class Dojo points. In the last set of purchases we had 6 students who chose to spend some points to have lunch with me in the classroom.
During the month of March, you probably heard from your children that "we had a sub...AGAIN!" Also, the comment was made by some of the students that March has been a busy month for Mrs. Crook. It is true. One of the days I was out was for a writing conference and another day was for a science conference. I was able to take a couple of ideas from each of those and combine those into some wonderful writing by the students that focused on our habitat studies. Our class was also a model for one of the kindergarten classes on campus, so that they can continue their own writing accomplishments. After working very diligently on their writing, each student in the class was paired up with a kindergarten student to share their published writing. We had such a great time with Ms. Brown's kindergarten class, that we also decided to do some GoNoodle (indoor movement/P.E.) with them, as well.
On Friday of this last week, the students took their habitat writing and were able to digitally publish their work in a typed document through Google Docs. The final product looks beautiful and it also helped the students take more ownership and pride in what they were able to accomplish.
To end this last week, our STEAM Friday was focused on density. I wanted to do something fun for St. Patrick's Day so the class got to make liquid rainbows. We talked about molecules and how EVERYTHING (living or dead) is made up of molecules. We also discussed how some things have more molecules than others, which makes them heavier and denser. The class was in groups and each group was given 6 different liquids: water (blue), Corn syrup (purple), rubbing alcohol (red), olive oil (yellow), honey (orange), and dish soap (green). Each group was given a different set of instructions with a different order for how to put the liquids in so that they would just sit on top of each other and not mix. Not all of the instructions worked, but the class was able to see how the different densities can make a difference in how the liquids sat in the cup.
Reading group instructions
Our palette of colors
Making observations
Rubbing alcohol worked best when using an eye dropper and dropping along the sides of the cup.
Here is what it looks like so far....
Pouring all other liquids (except rubbing alcohol) worked best being poured straight into the middle, without touching any sides.
5 layers....
The final result.. All 6 layers --- correct order from bottom to top: Honey, light corn syrup, dish soap, water, very thick layer of olive oil, and rubbing alcohol!
The class was very excited to learn about density and molecules. We discovered as a class that the stickier, and thicker something is, means it is more dense. The class made some great discoveries on Friday and seemed to have a great time seeing how this different liquids could make something wonderful when combined.
This coming week, we will be doing a final part to our habitat writing and studies. The class, in small groups, will be making videos of themselves talking about specific habitats and their features. Because science with writing was just not enough for me :), I decided to add in some technology to this project. This multi-layered project is a practice for the project we will be doing in April on Digital Citizenship, which has been a major focus in our classroom for technology, social skills, and proper technological etiquette.
Looking Ahead:
Friday, March 25 is a Minimum Day
Monday, March 28 through Friday, April 1 is Spring Break --- school will resume on Monday, April 4
UPDATE: Our library time has been switched for the remainder of the year, due to some other circumstances, and will now be on Tuesday mornings. (Sorry for the switching!)