For science this week we focused on changes, specifically changes that cannot be reversed. We looked at an apple and observed four different slices of the same apple. We were trying to see if we could slow down the changing process of the rotting apple. Our control was exposed to the open air. The things we used to try to slow the rotting process were salt water, vinegar, and lemon juice. The students had to make a prediction about which liquid would cause the apple to change the least. Here is a picture of all 4 apple slices for comparison.
From the top going clockwise we have the apple in lemon juice, apple in vinegar, apple in salt water, and apple exposed to the open air.
The students who predicted that the lemon juice would keep it from changing the least were correct. As a class we observed the vinegar started to mold a bit, the salt water had both mold and some fruit flies, and the open air had shrunk.
For P.E. this week we did some Halloween relay races. In three teams the class competed and had to move like different Halloween items. They were asked to walk like a skeleton by kicking out each of their feet in order to walk; they acted like bats and did four jumping jacks in place and then jumped one space forward; the pumpkin they had to jump all of the way across the basketball court; for the ghost they had to hop on one foot all the way across the basketball court; the spider was probably the favorite and they had to walk on all fours across the court; and the last relay movement was zombie walk across the court. Take a look at some of the spooks in the class relays.
Spider Crawl
Spiders (still)
Spiders (again)
In math for the last couple of weeks we have been focusing on place value and number sense. On Thursday of this week the class had a chance to create and read 3-digit numbers by adding a little monster flare to it. The students each got a die and rolled it 3 times to create their 3-digit number. With each roll they had to match up their number to our monster chart and then create our "3-digit monsters." The first roll represented the hundreds place (or the body on the monster), the second roll was the tens place (or the eyes/nose combo and the mouth on the monster), and the third roll represented the ones place (or the hair or topper on the monster). We came up with so many different combinations of monsters and I am amazed at how unique they each look and how creative each of the students got with this math project. The first three pictures are showing the proud artists. The pictures that follow are some close-ups of the monster rolled combinations that were drawn.
Our Chart to help us create our 3-digit monsters
Mrs. Crook's Sample
Also this week we did try a couple of new things with the Chromebooks. The class answered some comprehension questions about a story we read called, "Too Much Chocolate" using a website called Kahoot! This was a big hit with the class and I think we have found a new way to do some comprehension in class. We also spend some time with a web-based application called Padlet where the students posted their own responses to some comprehension questions. The students also learned how to post a picture using this application that was coinciding with our comprehension questions.
This week was also Red Ribbon Week. To reinforce our pledge against drugs, we celebrated with some spirit days. Monday was "Sock it to Drugs Day" and students wore crazy socks and hair. Tuesday was "Too Cool for Drugs Day" and students wore cool things like sunglasses and hats. Wednesday was "Team up Against Drugs Day" and students wore team uniforms, and sports wear. Thursday was "Turn your Back Against Drugs Day" and students wore their clothes backwards and/or inside-out. To wrap up the week it was "Say Boo to Drugs Day" and students wore their Halloween costumes to school. We started today off with our Halloween parade around the school. Later we had an assembly with Dr. Huffman and Chipper about Dental Hygiene and Halloween Safety. Check out our pictures from today's parade.
What a great week in the classroom! Have a wonderful and safe Halloween weekend! Happy Halloween!